Reliable Corrosion Measurements via Electrochemistry

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Learn about our Electrochemical Solutions for Corrosion Monitoring

Refineries are complex systems of multiple operations that depend on the type of crude refined and the desired products. They constantly optimize the production process to improve the high-value products yield that maximizes profitability. Refineries lose their profit due to the corrosion to the level of $1 billion per year. Protecting refinery plants against corrosion due to the sulfur, chloride and other organic acids is important in regard to safety and profitability. Metrohm offers innovative and improved analytical methodologies to improve process efficiency and to protect against corrosion to maximize profitability.

Over the past three decades, several methods have been introduced to measure and monitor corrosion. While many of these traditional methods such as weight loss or spray test analysis are quick and cost-effective, they can only offer a qualitative overview of the process. In comparison, electrochemistry techniques are accurate, reproducible and often the only method to measure corrosion rates on a quantitative basis. Electrochemistry has not only made it easy and direct to measure the parameters governing the corrosion processes but has also helped greatly in the overall development of the novel corrosion resistant films and corrosion inhibitors. Depending on the nature of the application, different electrochemical techniques are needed to determine specific parameters of interest. Metrohm instruments and pre-programmed methods provide ready-to use tools to determine these parameters. Metrohm offers fully customized corrosion analyzers to evaluate corrosion parameters for specific ASTM methods. A corrosion software package with pre-programmed protocols is provided with every analyzer at no charge. Corrosion parameters of interest and the relevant ASTM methods are summarized in the table below.